Hi, Low Carb Norma here. I have been following a low carb sugar free ketogenic lifestyle for three years now. This was the result of being told I was prediabetic . To be completely honest, when I was first diagnosed in 2016, I was in denial and decided not to do anything about it.
I think you just need to get to a place where you just can’t live being uncomfortable anymore. There is a sense of relief escaping from yo-yo dieting to living a comfortable lifestyle, and I’d like to share that with you.
My Mission
My primary goal on my low carb Norma blog is to reach out to some of you who may be in same situation I found myself in. Facing full blown diabetes if I didn’t do something is not what I wanted for my life.
My family owned and operated an authentic Mexican restaurant. We are foodies, and celebrate life surrounded by food! I wasn’t ready to give up on tortillas, chips, tacos, pizza & bread. Not to mention sweets, I love my desserts.
On this blog, I want to share with you that you don’t have to give up any of those things. There is a low carb sugar free substitution for almost everything. I’ll be sharing with you my finds I have discovered in creating a guilt free, no deprivation low carb, sugar free lifestyle.
My desire is you will feel like you’ve broke free from the strong hold that carbs and sugar can have on you.
Instead, replacing them with new found substitutions that help you regulate your blood glucose levels but not sacrificing taste.
My Vision
My hope for you is that you will see just how simple this lifestyle can be. There doesn’t need to be a lot of cooking skills to master this lifestyle.
I will teach you how to implement a daily routine with easy manageable recipes. There will be a section how to follow this low carb sugar free lifestyle with an entire no cook menu.
I am not a nutritionist or professional by any means, just a girl sharing what worked for her. I hope you will find this a benefit to your life, and learn to embrace the low carb sugar free lifestyle without feeling deprived.
That’s my vision for you!