Best Crunch Air Fry Low Carb Mozzarella Sticks

Best Crunch Air Fry Low Carb Mozzarella Sticks

Who doesn’t love a good crunchy mozzarella cheese stick? The air fryer is a great tool to create these best crunch air fry low carb mozzarella sticks. The best alternative to frying in oil. Much healthier version without compromising taste.

cheese stick

Best Crunch Air Fry Low Carb Mozzarella Sticks

These are so good, you'll never know they were low carb, keto friendly. These crunchy little cheese sticks are the perfect treat for dipping in marinara sauce or just by themselves. Who would think you could get this deep fry cheese stick with only air? The air fryer gets them nice and crispy in no time!
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Course: Air Fry
Cuisine: American
Keyword: air fry cheese stick, keto cheese stick, low carb cheese stick, low carb mozzarella sticks
Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 8 minutes
Total Time: 48 minutes
Servings: 8


  • Air Fryer



  • Pork panko is used in this recipe because when you live low carb keto, you cannot use Panko bread crumbs. Pork panko is an excellent option. If you can't find pork panko, all you need to do is grab a bag of pork rinds and place them in food processor and process till fine crumbs. Or just place the pork rinds in a ziploc bag and roll with a rolling pin until you reach the desired consistency.
    pork panko
  • Mix the dry ingredients in a shallow bowl. Whisk egg in a separate shallow bowl.
    pork panko
  • Roll the cheese sticks in egg first, then roll in the panko bread mixture with all the seasonings.
    cheese stick
  • Now this is the secret part to this recipe…. Lay them on a cookie sheet and place flat in the freezer for a minimum of 30 minutes. This will allow them to not completely melt and ooze all over the place when placed in air fryer.
    cheese stick
  • Spray air fry basket with oil and place cheese sticks in basket being very careful not to touch each other. Bake at 400 ° for 6-8 minutes until crispy and golden.
    cheese stick
  • Yummy cheesy goodness right here. Serve with your favorite low carb marinara sauce. Enjoy friends!
    cheese stick


176 Calories    /   11.3 g Fat    /    .75 g Net Carbs    /    17.25 g Protein